
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Communist Melk and The Chocolate Manifesto

Is what I'd like my band name to be... if I were musically talented.

Why Communist Melk and The Chocolate Manifesto? Well for one, it would actually be spelled "Milk" considering I'm not from the mid-west, but I like spelling things the way they [sometimes] sound. Taylor and I like to use the term CM = Chocolate Milk. You know, CM in the QC [Queen City]. It's cute, don't judge. But the other day I finally got around to reading the Communist Manifesto for my History of Modern Germany class. Not that Taylor was bugging me, but usually one takes at least moderate interest in what their significant other is interested in. And guess what, I enjoyed it.

This piece makes you wanna get up and fight. If you haven't read it already, go ahead and do so, because I don't think one can grasp the true concept of "revolution" until you read something like this:

"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. "

It's some pretty heavy stuff, but even if you're totally against it, it's important to know what the people who are going to overthrow you truly stand for.

That was a half joke. Considering I only know one communist. Maybe two, but you can never be too sure with those Reds.

So, am I a communist? I'm not sure. I'd feel uncomfortable just saying that considering I haven't read anything else by Marx OR Engles, and I have a strong personal belief that you shouldn't put yourself behind anything you don't know enough about. So although I like a lot of socialist/ communist concepts I still consider myself moderate. But I'm definitely against Capitalism. I guess I can talk about why in a later post. I'm technically at work, and technically supposed to be working.

I'm also tired of people saying, "It looks good on paper, but it could never work IRL." I just wanna say: "First of all, how do you know that? Greed afflicts every kind of political/social system, nothing is ever exempt from human error." But it predominantly bothers me because it implies that humans are incapable of accomplishing anything that requires us to share with one another. I abhor the thought that we can't rise above greed and laziness.

If you haven't made the connection already, Chocolate Milk and the Communist Manifesto have the same initials. inspiring.

Here's the Communist Manifesto for whoever is interested in learning for the sake of learning.